Sunday, March 17, 2013


It's fourty-five after four in the afternoon and I am sitting next to a
clique of mutes here at a coffee shop in my town.
As you would imagine, they try to explain themselves through multiple gestures until
their peers understand their point.
But you (nor they) have any idea how incredibly loud they are.

The first five minutes they were here, I was too engrossed in my work to notice what their deal was.
I had assumed they were playing CHARADES or something.

Ten minutes later they were still quiet. I only heard them giggle every other half minute.

At first I thought that being next to them, I was in luck because I could get some
peace and quiet here while finishing my case study.
But now I'm involuntarily learning their single-syllabled vocabulary while wasting my time blogging about them instead of doing my work.

I hope I get done with my paper before my laptop's battery runs out...

Saturday, March 2, 2013


For some reason, I can't fall asleep tonight...
I've been lying restless in bed for the past 3 hours....
I'd usually read some medical/science journal coz that would put me to sleep in no time.... but that didn't work out..
Oh well, I might as well as blog...I hope i feel drowsy enough at the end of this...

This day last year....
I was relaxing from a tiresome business trip in Cebu.
I had a late dinner with my boss and a guy who everyone was trying to set me up with;
got surprised by the live band at the bar when they sang Happy Birthday to me at midnight;
retired from drinking by hanging out at the bar at our hotel;
got saved by the same guy from drinking a shot of tequila, which was a treat by another guy we were drinking with;
sanely danced Teach Me How to Dougie with baristas, coz the guy was too shy (?)

This day two years ago....
I was too stingy to celebrate with others..
I bought myself my first iPod touch....

This day three years ago.... 
I ruined a huge surprise party my friends were supposed to throw me.
I rented a pool and bought pizza for a group of friends and myself and
witnessed my guy friends dance and sing for me at midnight after swimming.
later that day I was watching the Pyrolympics Competition (fireworks synced with music) on Manila Bay with my close friends and cousins.

This day four years ago.... 
I was still in college, and was returning home from on the job training, which was interviewing mothers around the community about their eating habits.
I suddenly felt like celebrating at 10PM with the crowd I used to hang out with.
Back then, it was still safe to be walking around at night and we played a lot of computer games back then till the wee hours of the morning....

This day five years ago....I was rushing a paper for my diet therapy class but because we had just gotten our internet cable hooked up, I got sidetracked with answering the greetings on my Facebook page with a :).Thankfully I don't have to waste time doing that this year. LOL.

It's on birthdays you know who your friends are... they don't need a social networking site to remind them someone's waiting to be greeted.